Mobile Application Keep Your Info
The customer is "Fire Safety and Services" Ltd JV. The company has been launching and servicing fire protection systems, video monitoring systems and ventilation systems for more than 20 years. It specializes in industrial premises. The dynamic competitive environment motivates the company to pursue specialized protection of information from competitors.
To secure personal correspondence on employees' smartphones. The solution should work on iOS and Android, send all kinds of files and ensure that no one gets access to employee correspondence.
We have created an add-on application over the other messengers. All correspondence is encrypted and shared to the desired contact in a convenient application: Telegram, Whats App, Viber... In that way the correspondence lies only on the messenger server in an encrypted form, and it is locally inside the application in a decrypted form. The result is a double level of protection. Since there is no centralized server for Keep Your Info, it is impossible to get all the information on the company's correspondence at once.
To emphasize the secrecy of the chats, we have made them dark in color. Since all the secret correspondence is important, we have highlighted the interlocutor messages.
The entrance is protected by a PIN code and biometrics. If the code is entered incorrectly 3 times, all the correspondence is erased.
If there is a danger that the correspondence will be read, then it is possible to delete all the correspondence by chat or all at once. To delete the conversation from the interlocutor, a special message is sent to him, which will delete all the correspondence.
Thank-you letter
About the project
3.5 months to complete
Viktor Filatov
Project Manager and Android Developer
iOS Developer
Mikhail Kanshin
Ivan Emelyushkin