We understand the task, make a design, create and launch

We create
mobile apps

Fill Team creates applications for people and business.
It is important for us to work with the product is easy
and the business tasks are solved.
We make
We solve business tasks using applications:
we optimize business processes, expand the sales channel, automate manual work. We are responsible for the final result and we do not blame the contractors.
Applications for smartphones
and computers
Code and design audit
If your application does not solve its tasks well enough, try auditing. It will help you find problems in the design, logic and code. As a result, you will receive a detailed report with possible solutions of product problems.
We work
At the beginning, we write a work plan and outline the points of agreement, when we show the result and discuss the accumulated issues. These points appear after the function design, for example, a showcase, a search or a product order. The client always knows the state of the project and its future outcomes.
Without any surprises
We often show the result to the client and consult. Our clients know more about their business and see our deviation from the course.
We work with the person who creates the project and makes all the decisions. If the project has several leaders, it will risk the timeline, and the project itself will be weak and compromise.
We are directly accountable for the result and we do not put the blame on the contractors. It is important the project works and we are proud of it. It is not enough for us just to get work done and perfectly assemble it in the portfolio.
Together with the client
For the results
What is next?
To understand the task
To understand how we can help you, we need to learn about your business and customers. To do this, we will meet in person or contact you on skype.
To find a solution
We will analyze the task, find the best solution and discuss it with a client. When discussing it turns out that the solution does not work, we will take a pause and continue the search with new data. After agreeing on a solution, we will calculate the time and resources we will need to implement it.
To name the price
Only after understanding the task and evaluating the resources, we will be able to calculate the price. In this way, we will not take extra money or work at a loss. That is why we do not make a commercial offer immediately.
To agree on a time-frame and a work plan
We will divide the work into several stages with clear deadlines. There will be some points of agreement at the end of each stage. We will show the result there and discuss questions relating to the work, so that the result will not be a surprise to you.
To enter into a contract
When both sides have agreed and know what to expect.
To make a design
If you have a product design, we will show it to our designer. He will test it and suggest some improvements if they are needed.
To coordinate
The client always knows what is happening on his project. Each screen, text, email, and error report are approved.
To create
The creation goes hand in hand with the design. While the designers are drawing new functions, the programmers are implementing the already agreed ones.
We will support the project for the first month after the launching and we will correct any errors. If you want some further support, we will provide you with it for an additional fee. When it is time to update the application or add features to it, we will start working on the plan of a new project. This way we will keep the quality without surprises.

Order an application
or audit
Email: work.with@fill.team
We are ready to call you at any time.
We will respond to you within 24 hours.

By clicking the Send button, you agree to PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA. That means that we will store your contacts and we will not give them to anyone.